Maybe this will get me posting at least once a month.
Above is a picture of my now 5 year old son on his birthday, wearing his chain mail set that I knitted for him. It's a tunic, a hood, and a couple of fingerless mitts (or, as I like to say, gauntlets).
I've been busy while not blogging. We've been working hard to be more eco-friendly. We use our own bags at stores as much as possible. We hang up clothes to dry as weather permits. We're walking even more to and from work and playschool.
I'm doing some sewing for Tailored Tadpole. Check out her stuff. If you get a blanket, it may be one that I made. It's been nice to get some extra money.
Hopefully, I'll get some of my own ideas and toys out there before too long. I'm working on it. Until then, check out my friend Tina's Etsy shop. She's just starting it up. She makes some great hairbows, hooded towels, and monogrammed pillows. She's on dial-up, though, so posting is a challenge.
My little girl is almost 16 months old and just now starting to do some walking on her own. I'll post some pictures of her next time.
Until next time...
Labels: chain mail, kids