If It's Fiber...

Monday, April 03, 2006

The top is a picture ffrom the side porch of my husbad's grandmother's farm. That is where we spent most of our long weekend. (Remember you can click on them to see them in more detail!) The second picture was taken halfway through her fields. The clump of trees in the way back middle is where the house is. She is 97 years old and still lives on her 55 acres of land by herself. She rents the fields out. She cooked us up some fried oysters and oyster stew, and fried shad while we were there.
It's a truly quiet place. She is truly an amazing woman. We love being there and wish we could get there more often.

Wayne Newton's show last Thursday night in Fayetteville was great. He's an over the top guy that puts on an over the top show. You gotta love it.

I worked on several amigurumis over the weekend. I forgot to take the stuffing, though, so they are unfinished. I hope to get them all done by Friday. I've crocheted 2 1/2 out of the 4 that I want completed.


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