My friend, Lindsley flew down from New York City for the weekend and spent Saturday morning and afternoon with us. Her brother was with her and we hit some of the thrift stores in Burlington. There are LOADS of thrift stores in Burlington. Here's a picture of my catch from Saturday. I found some really great books. (I'm always getting books. It's worse than yarn and fabric because you can find them cheaper!)
Make sure to click on the picture to get a closer look at some of the titles. They are:
"Fashions of the Times" by the New York Times Magazine - Aug. 22, 1965
"Children's Fashions" by the New York Times Magazine - Aug. 15, 1965
"The Family Book of Home Entertaining" by Florence Brobeck, 1960
"Knitting Made Easy" Barbara Aytes, 1970
"Pilgrim's Progress" John Bunyan - the written inscription on the inside flap has a date of April 28, 1915
"Two is a Team" Lorraine and Jerrold Beim - 1945 - this one is a kids book about two friends, a black boy and a white boy. What is great about it is that it is just a story about being friends and working together. There is no mention of race in the text anywhere.
"A Nature Book: Activities and Projects for Children" Helen Jill Fletcher - 1953
"The First Noel" a Golden Book illustrated by A.+M. Provensen - 1959 - I love this one because Mary and Joseph aren't white. They actually have some color to their skin! The illustrations are beautiful.
The lady I bought most of the books from also had a little french volume from 1900 entitled "Scenes de la Revolution Francaise". It was for free.
Other than books, I also purchased an embroidery kit from 1979, unopened. Also a set of 6 little ceramic bowls that will be great for Bruce's cereal and a great sleeve board.
All of that for under 20 dollars.
I still haven't figured out what I will start next, knitting-wise.
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