If It's Fiber...

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Life around here has been trying to find some sort of schedule, to no avail. I'm finaly getting used to the fact that Flora won't be nursing. I've found bottles that I like and feel safe about, and that she likes. I've determined which formula seems to work best on her. And I've stopped pumping. She has enough of my milk in the freezer to give her 6 oz everyday for about a week and a half now.
Because I'm not nursing I am taking advatage of all the foods and drinks I've been depriving myself of while pregnant - sashimi, liver, a hot dog (I never eat these, but when you can't have them, it makes you want one), sake, and wine. I look forward to a nice corned beef dinner.
I stay away from all sorts of things when pregnant and nursing: alcohol, liver, nitrates and nitrites, raw fish, rare meat, soft yolk eggs, etc.
Last night I made Cooking Light's Veal Osso Bucco. (My FIL gives me his issues after he gets them. What a sweetie!) It turned out great - though I didn't have shanks, I had chops so I braised them intstead of letting them cook for 2 hours. It really was quite simple too. Mr Fiber liked the house smell when he came home.
I've been knitting whenever I can. Bottle feeding does not lend itself to knitting the way nursing does. You have to use hands when you bottle feed.
I've been dreaming of patterns that I want to start. Most of them involve yarn I already have, which is good since formula will be taking up my yarn money for awhile.
I'm reading the Harry Potters over again and completely loving it. I think I dream in wizard world now.
I took a couple of "which character are you" tests. I must admit, I really just wanted to be Neville. In many ways, I think I am much like his character. But you will see that one test had me as Hermione. I do tend to be a bit of an overachiever and goody two shoes when it comes to classes. I think those who attended the fair isle class with me can attest for that.

Which HP Kid Are You?

I really liked the results of the second test I took. Just look at that. I scored and Albus. Next up was Lupin, then Luna. I love all of those characters, but I don't know that I really am like them. I'm glad Percy was so far down on the list.

You scored as Albus Dumbledore. You are very wise, observant, and analyctical. You have a very "well-organized" mind, which makes you function in a calm and fair manner. Though you get angered easily, its rare of you to ever act our of temper. You are constantly seeing the good in people and are naturally forgiving because of it. You're easy to please and a great person to learn from.

Albus Dumbledore


Remus Lupin


Luna Lovegood


Ron Weasley


Oliver Wood


Harry Potter


Sirius Black


Hermione Granger


Neville Longbottom


Bellatrix Lestrange


Lord Voldemort


Severus Snape


Percy Weasley


Draco Malfoy


Harry Potter Character Combatibility Test
created with QuizFarm.com

I'm lucky to get much free time nowadays, so my postings will not be as often. I do hope to get up some kntiting pictures and more baby pictures before too long.

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