Thought I would post a couple of recent pictures. Above is Flora, taken on Saturday. She is now two months old and doing more and more smiling and talking.
Below, is a picture of Bruce getting his haircut. This was done a week and a half ago. The man cutting his hair is in our downtown. Mr. Fiber has been the one to take him there, I've never seen the man in person. Bruce does very well for him for some unknown reason. He fought in WWII.

I've been knitting on a caterpillar for B. Miz Knotty made one for Flora, (
pic here) and he liked it immensely. He even went into my yarn stash and picked out the yarn he wanted me to use to make it! (Note to self: Change stash hiding place) I kept thinking he would forget about it, but no. So we borrowed the pattern. As I was getting out of the car to get the pattern, B said that I could then "cast on stitches" for it. Whe did this boy learn that you have to "cast on" to knit?! Maybe I should get some needles in his hands before too long.
So much is happening over at the KALs I'm involved in. I'm really enjoying them.
Labels: kids
Flora's in real clothes! She's moved from House Elf to real whole person- kooky!
I love the pic of B. He, too, is looking far older than his years. And I don't why you're surprised about the cast-on, the boy said he was grateful for yarn and yarn stores in his blessings ;-0.
Emily, at 10:21 PM
Hooray! Looks like we have a knitter in the making! That's so awesome he knows some of the lingo :) Regarding hiding your stash in another place...you know he'll find that too!! Flora, well, she is just too cute for words! Isn't it great when they move into the smiling stage? Glad you're having fun with the KAL's. What are you making for both? Something from High Spirits, right?! So cool you know that movie!! One of my fave's.
Anonymous, at 10:03 AM
Love the updated pic of Miss F. She is so alert and adorable. I agree with Em, B looks like a 6 yo in that pic! Love the great old downtown barber shops - the white coats, the striped poles, the sinks at every chair, the chairs are the coolest, the Barbicide containers with their blue liquid that magically cleans combs, the Pinaud Talc in the tall green metal can... I used to love to go with Mr. Knotty when he had to have a military cut every Sunday evening.
Renee, at 1:21 PM
hiya, sorry it has been so long since I was last in touch. Flora has grown so much, she is beautiful. And that boy of yours is just too smart. Grown men don't know as much about knitting (my DB being one of them). I am so happy everything is going well and you are finding time to knit, even if it is for someone else :)
Anonymous, at 12:06 PM
Flora is getting so big! What a beautiful little girl.
It's something how kids just do really well with some people. It's so fun that Bruce gets his hair cut at the local Barbershop.
Take care.
Karen, at 9:40 PM
What beautiful children! I love that your son has picked up the knitting lingo.
Just A Knit Wit, at 10:47 AM
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